National Road Safety Week 2024: Take Care on Regional Roads
Today’s theme for National Road Safety Week is ‘Take care on regional roads.’
Acusensus continues to deploy its Acusensus Harmony TS1 solution across Queensland with a focus on regional and rural roads.
Acusensus believes in the educational power of enforcement tools. Through enforcement, we have successfully reduced dangerous driving behaviour and saved lives. An example of an enforcement tool that does this, is the Acusensus Harmony TS1 solution, which is a high-tech speed enforcement system designed to discourage speeding behaviour.
More than half of QLD’s lives lost in speed-related crashes occur in regional and remote areas. For this reason, it is significant to find a solution that can reach these areas. For this reason, the Harmony TS1 solutions are rotated regularly across regional QLD, to provide anywhere, anytime speed enforcement.
The Harmony TS1 deployment in Townsville is highlighted by QLD StreetSmarts in the video below.
The power of enforcement tools in educating the public can be observed through a change of driver behaviours in QLD. The number of drivers caught excessively speeding by the TS1 cameras has declined by 92% over the first seven months of the program.

To keep our roads safe, we must remember to slow down wherever we are, as this will make our communities safer and lives would not be needlessly lost.